by Evan | Mar 18, 2021 | Hypnosis
You are twice as likely to quit cigarettes by hypnosis than you are to stop smoking with any nicotine product such as patches and gum. Hypnosis is a trance-like state that resembles sleep. This can be brought about by many means. People can be in a trance-like state... by Evan | Feb 27, 2021 | Hypnosis
So you want to quit cigarettes? Some people who want to stop smoking will rush down the drug store to buy patches and gum that the major pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars marketing. Well, wait! What if they don’t work? Are the people at... by Evan | Dec 12, 2020 | Meditation
Much of the hearsay evidence about smoking cessation is contradictory. How many people have you heard say “giving up smoking was the hardest thing I ever did”. On the other hand I’ve heard some say, “one day I just gave up”. What seems to... by Evan | Mar 31, 2020 | Hypnosis, Meditation
Smoking is a habit that permeates every aspect of life; from nights out to breaks at work, it is easy to become reliant on cigarettes as a crutch. Now you want to break that habit and improve your health and wellbeing but it seems like a mountain to climb. With both... by Evan | Dec 2, 2019 | Meditation
We have written many times on this site about using the subconscious mind when quitting smoking with self-hypnosis and meditation. But there is also much you can do to with affirmations to quit smoking. I could simplistically describe affirmations as conscious...