So you’re ready to quit smoking. Fantastic! But you’ve probably heard stories about ex-smokers having an increased appetitie after quitting smoking. Unfortunately, it’s true. Generally, an ex-smoker will put on an extra five to ten pounds after they quit, and sometimes more for those who substitute smoking with food. So how can you quit smoking and not gain weight? Some of the things we’ll look at involve using a metabolism booster after quitting smoking, things to put in your mouth instead of cigarettes, and foods to eat while quitting smoking.
Foods to Eat While Quitting Smoking
Your metabolism will start to slow after you quit smoking because nicotine actually pushes your metabolism forward. What this means is that you’re losing some of your capacity to burn calories. Coupled with a general feeling of increased appetite after quitting smoking, you’ll feel like eating more and that will lead to weight gain. One of the ways you can reduce that potential weight gain is to eat foods which digest slower and keep you feeling full for longer.
- Boiled potatoes – evidence suggests potatoes contain a protein which curbs hunger, yet they also contain several vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat. Don’t get lazy though and choose fries over boiled potatoes – they are not the same!
- Oatmeal – try oatmeal for breakfast, and add fruit such as a berries, or apple, or bananas. Then add some cinnamon as a sweetner. This healthy breakfast is high in fiber and is a slow-burning metabolic grain.
- Eggs – eggs contain antioxidants, protein, and a range of vitamins and minerals. And they’re exceptionally filling. Try eggs on wholegrain toast with avocado for breakfast, or quiches with salad for lunch or dinner.
Other foods to eat while quitting smoking include whole wheat bread, unsalted nuts, greek yoghurt, smooth soups, and air-popped popcorn.
Air-Popped Popcorn – Quit Smoking Wonder Snack
When it comes to things to put in your mouth instead of cigarettes, air-popped popcorn is the best choice. The air-popped variety has around 25% less calories than its oil-popped counterpart, and that’s significant for the waistline. But it’s also great because like smoking, it keeps your hands busy as you prepare the popcorn, and your mind off the nicotine craving. Popcorn is also surprisingly nutritious, being high in fiber and magnesium.
Metabolism Booster After Quitting Smoking
Nicotine builds your body’s metabolic rate. But when you quit, it goes back to “normal”. Boosting your metabolism again will require activity, meaning exercise (groan!). Plan ahead though, and create an exercise plan – this will make it easier to stick to and keep your mind away from nicotine cravings. Aim for thirty minutes of exercise each day. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly energetic, simple walking will do. Just so long as it’s 30 minutes more than what you were doing as a smoker. Exercise is just as important as any other measure to keep you from smoking and is the most important metabolism bootser after quitting smoking.
Coffee – Metabolism Booster Plus
The caffeine in coffee boosts your metabolism and acts a natural substitute for smoking. Arguably, you’re trading one bad habit for another, depending on how you view coffee. Whatever your view, it’s obvious coffee has significantly less impact on your respiratory system and overall health, so when looking for a metabolism booster after quitting smoking, coffee may be the most convenient choice. Don’t be tempted though to add sugar! Keep it strong and bitter.
Start a New Post-dinner Custom
Many smokers have a cigarette after dinner, or any meal for that matter. Smoking serves as a body signal that the meal is finished. Now you need a new signal that the meal is done, because without it, many smokers will simply snack instead. This is one of the reasons there is an increased appetite after quitting smoking.
Try strolling around the block, or some brief meditation, or even cleaning your teeth throughly with floss or dental picks – as simple as that sounds, your oral health will become outstanding. Use a historical or inspirational quote app, or something similar which adds value to your day. Read the quotes and reflect on them. Or if that’s too deep, find a game you can play on your phone – something that won’t distract you for hours on end!
Things to Put in Your Mouth Instead of Cigarettes
Ex-smokers will often say they miss having something to do with their mouths and hands, and with that increased appetite after quitting smoking, it’s easy to substitute cigarettes with food, and most of which tends to be sugary or fatty junk food. And why not? It tastes good, and it’s enjoyable much in the way smoking was. But, you want to know how to quit smoking and not gain weight, so you’ll have to do some work. Try snacking on carrots or celery. OK, yuck! But, nutritionally, you can’t lose. This is about switching a physical habit for something similar, but without the cost and negative health aspects. Remember, you have to do some work.
For something a bit more appealing on the tastebuds, true some sugar-free low-calorie lollipops. Typically available from organic food stores, many varieities will have nutritional benefits. But set a limit – too much of any manfactured food item will affect your digestive system.
Increased Appetite After Quitting Smoking
You’re going to feel hungrier and you’re going to crave a cigarette. But you need to control your increased appetite to keep the weight off, and curb the cigarette cravings at the same time. During the first 14 days of quitting smoking, stay consistent and remember the following:
- Drink more water. Drink eight glasses of water a day. Aside from keeping you hydrated, this keeps feeling full, and rapidly flushes cigarette toxins from your body, which in turn reduces cravings.
- At some point, you’ll want to smoke a cigarette. Be prepared. Have your carrots and celery (!) or lollipops close at all times. Have a bottle of water in front of you at all times. When the craving comes, pop on your headphones and go for a walk.
- Expect difficulty. You’re strong, you know you can do it. But it isn’t easy. Expect it to be hard, don’t kid yourself. Just be prepared for those times when it seems most difficult. The hardest part is the first 14 days.
Using all the points we’ve listed, this is how to quit smoking and not gain weight, not even a pound. But don’t stress if you do! Your body needs to adjust to quitting smoking, there may be some natural fluctuations in weight in the beginning while your body adjusts to your new habits. Keep them up! It only takes 14 days to break through the hardest part of quitting smoking forever.