If you are looking on the internet for advice on quitting smoking you have my sympathy. You will run into a plethora of sites run by internet sharks and self-appointed smoking experts. Overall you will conclude two things: the first, it’s going to be difficult to quit smoking; the second, there are a lot of products to buy. I’m here to tell you two things: one, it’s not difficult to quit smoking; two, it won’t cost you anything. And the way to do this is: to hypnotize yourself to quit smoking.

You can hypnotize yourself to not feel the withdrawal symptoms so acutely when quitting smoking
In the Self-Help classic, Think and Grow Rich!, Napoleon Hill says that we all have the power to influence our subconscious minds and through this gain the cooperation of Infinite Intelligence.
In fact, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The skilled hypnotist merely directs the subject to auto-suggest.
Napoleon Hill also likens the subconscious mind to a fertile garden that will be overgrown with weeds as long as the gardener (that’s us) does not take care of what is planted.
You have complete control over what is planted in your subconscious mind, including the addiction to cigarettes, the only problem is that very few of us actually exercise the control over our subconscious minds.
So, how do you hypnotize yourself to stop smoking cigarettes
There are a number of ways. It’s not something that can be done hurriedly when you have a few moments to spare. It’s something you need to devote a certain amounts of time to everyday!
You can say things to yourself while you’re walking or doing a day-to-day task that doesn’t take up much brain power. For example, try saying to yourself “day by day, in every way, I’m getting better and better”.
This is a good start but you may not be actually making suggestions to your subconscious by doing this as you’re mind will be full of conscious thoughts. Your subconscious does take a bit of effort to get in touch with.
You can also actually communicate your desires to yourself out loud. Obviously you will have to find a quiet time to yourself to do this – I’m not advocated talking to yourself out loud while you’re out and about!
Try to clear your mind and affirm to yourself something you deeply desire: “I will stay smoke free”. “I will breathe in only fresh pure air into my lungs.” Or something like that.
But the best way to hypnotize yourself is to spend 10 to 15 minutes concentrating on your breathing. It may help to concentrate specifically on the sensation of the air going in and out of your nose as you breathe. Imagine the oxygen coming into your body giving life to your being, replenishing and satisfying you with every breath.
Once you have achieved a state of complete relaxation where your mind is 100% concentrating of the breath in the present moment and nothing else, then you can start to auto-suggest. Affirm to yourself (not out loud) your deep desires at this moment and you are communicating with your subconscious directly!
This is very powerful. Be careful what you wish for. Be very specific.
Quitting smoking using your conscious mind alone will be a long, constant struggle. The power of your subconscious mind – with hypnosis – will relieve this struggle and make it much easier, along with the other tips on this blog and in my e-book, to successfully become a non-smoker.