Hypnotherapy has effectively been used in various forms for hundreds of years. Its concept is simple – the unconscious controls your habits, hang-ups, fears, phobias and self confidence therefore it makes perfect sense to deal direct with the part of you that can change general health for the better.
When dealing with hypnosis the key is all about relaxation and distraction. You relax the body and distract the mind, inserting key suggestions into the unconscious that changes the way you behave.
When someone is experiencing anxiety or stress, it is not uncommon for the unconscious to go into overdrive causing panic attacks, heart palpitations, insomnia and extreme tiredness. This is your body’s way of communicating that you have a problem and it wants you to address it as soon as possible. After all experiencing these sorts of side effects are extremely unpleasant and difficult to live with.
Not everyone experiences such intense symptoms. Many have varying degrees of anxiety and stress. Symptoms can show themselves in many other forms such as unexplained weeping, rage, suppressed anger, obsessive worry, stomach pains, IBS, hair loss and most commonly a feeling of helplessness.
Anxiety and stress can also cause addictive habits such as smoking and alcoholism.
As not everyone is suitable or comfortable taking drugs to combat these symptoms, hypnotherapy gives an easy and healthy option that can also have other beneficial attributes.
Hypnosis relaxes and reduces tension throughout the body and mind, thus reducing the outward symptoms of anxiety and stress. More importantly the inner turmoil that is the root cause of these behaviours are tackled and negative thought processes are changed for more healthier alternatives.
What happens in a Hypnotherapy session?
This can depend on the therapist or the method you choose to tackle this challenging problem with. Generally you will experience deep relaxation and peace, accompanied by increased self worth and confidence.
The available implementation methods for this therapy are varied. Such as personal one to one and group sessions. Skype therapy for conditions such as acrophobia and severe anxiety. As well as serving those who find a therapist but are unable to travel to the destination due to time restrictions.
Multimedia options are increasingly popular such as CDs, MP3 recordings, DVD’s and smart phone apps. Many internet companies are offering free downloads just for joining their mailing list. Other options are free Self Hypnosis eBooks, and Amazon have a huge array to help any condition.
Like in every alternative therapy market, it is essential to find the right delivery method for you.
Therefore take the opportunity to find a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Who asks about you (not just what they can do for you) as well as being registered with a competent society such as the BSCH.
Alternatively a lesser known option would be to search auction sites and second hand stalls, communicating with the seller to get feedback of how their anxiety was helped by using their hypnotherapy tool. You may be surprised at how many people will have been helped and are passing products on to help others.
One of the many questions asked of any therapist is: How long will it take to rid me of my problem?
Unsurprisingly, there is no easy answer here. Hypnosis is a matter of willingness to really be helped and cooperation with the therapist. It is widely claimed that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. Meaning that without a two way partnership between the therapist and the client, the therapy will never set deep enough. It is imperative therefore that all diligence is taken to find as stated before a suitable therapist or professional multimedia tool.
So to summarise
- Make a decision that today is the day to claim your life back.
- Explore the options and tools that are available to you such as therapist, multimedia, books, and auctions.
- Choose one that suits your commitment and need.
- Commit to the treatment, be patient and positive.
- And above all look forward to the new found freedom that hypnotherapy will bring you.
This is a guest post by hypnotherapist Penelope Pedley.